

So, after just getting a decent schedule planned out I discovered Disney Movie Rewards.

If you are not familiar with this allow me to explain.
When you purchase a Disney movie and you open the case for the first time there’s this little flyer that usually drops out. It generally has some sort of alien script or code written on it somewhere.
So I got curious.
When you go online and sign up for this free account you enter the alien code and this cool thing happens. You get points to use to purchase things! Like movie collectibles and even other movies!
Then the cooler thing happened. I discovered how to get my movie to play on my kindle fire HD! So now when I’m bored at work I can watch that awesome movie Frozen!

No, I’m not getting paid to endorse this system. I’m not working for any company affiliated with Disney. All I’m saying is that this is really cool.

Anyway, that’s my daily tidbit. Have an awesome one!



So, I may have worked it out. How to accomplish each of my to-dos.

Audio book while driving.
Novel at work.
Writing while doing laundry.
New puppy… during all of the above.

Yay rotation!

Ok, so it’s not perfect. But hey, it’s a start!

^_^ Have a good one!


Puppies, Pens, and Pictures

How anyone who owns a new puppy manages to get anything accomplished is beyond me.

We now are the proud owners of a corgi puppy. He is almost ten weeks old with mega sharp puppy teeth. Trying to work, write, do laundry, and keep him entertained is a load of responsibility. Not to mention potty training. *eye roll*

So, reading has been a challenge. Some of you know I read mostly during down time at work. Well, luckily, work has picked up and we have been busier than ever.

Unfortunately, this also means less reading time. And with all the new books coming out, all my lined up re-reads, and all the audio books I want to buy my life has become even more complicated.

But never fear, there will be more reviews in the near future. As well as my super awesome manuscript in the works! Which, by the way, is already a few thousand words long. Only a million more to go!

I just wanted to keep you guys updated!

Also, let’s not forget that Divergent hit theaters this past weekend! Let me say it was awesome! It holds with the novel amazingly well. They did change a few things, I’m sure you guys will notice. But it’s nothing like the Twilight fiasco. There are a few moments that catch you off guard and make you say, “wait, what?”. But, all in all the integrity of the book remains intact.

Well, that’s all I’ve got for now. Have a good one!


Exciting news!

I have been writing since I could read. I love telling a story. Taking people to other worlds and on unique adventures. And sometimes I write just to get things out of my head. To express myself and escape reality for a few moments. Writing is such a wonderful release.

So, why am I raving? Let me explain…

*drum roll*

I’m finally taking the steps toward producing a novel! An author, whom I greatly admire, has given me some wonderful advice and allowed me into her world.

I can’t divulge any of the particulars at this moment but I wanted to key you guys in.

And let me just say, if you have ever dreamed of being a writer, ever had a story dying to be told, don’t give up! All it takes is a little faith. And faith is infectious!

Take the time, for sure.


Fated – Part One

By Lisa Wiedmeier

If you’ve read any of the Timeless series you’ll love these novellas.

Callon, Colt, and Daniel all love Cheyenne, only in different ways. Each one has an amazingly brilliant story to tell. Here in these books they get their chance to explain their side of the story. From a former womanizer to a well meaning brother you find their hearts are filled with concern and kindness.

All three have been through their share of trouble. In order to protect Cheyenne, and keep their promise to Gene and Alexis, they must overcome their greatest fears and struggles. They must break through Cheyenne’s walls as well as their own. Our she may just do it for them.

Who really loves this girl Timeless? How is it that one girl could turn three men’s worlds upside down?

Nine stars out of ten. I hated having to put down this book to work. Each of our guys has such depth and I just had to know more. Check it out and take the time, only after reading Cheyenne.



So, I’ve been trying very hard to keep regular posts coming on here recently. I love my books and the authors who wrote them very much. I even strive slowly toward becoming one myself. Thus, I feel guilty when I don’t reach my goals. Especially, for those of you who do time in from time to time.

Unfortunately, I and my family have been mourning our dog for the past week or so. It seems when you set a goal the world likes to hit you. And I know some of you probably are like, well it was just a dog, but I assure you the absence of a constant presence is deeply felt.

Thirteen years with taps of nails on the floor, howling to music, whining for table scraps, and greetings at the front door when you come home are all gone. But we are moving on and forward. Our wounds are healing slowly. We are preparing for puppy.

So, I apologize to you my readers for my shortcomings. But as life goes on, it always does, I am pursuing new books with unique worlds.

Top Four:
1) Lady of Devices
2) Unravel Me
3) (after publishing) Awakening
4) various rereading

That’s where we stand at this point.

On a lighter note, I won one of the challenges our sweet Lisa Wiedmeier put out. The cool autographed bookmarks now rest on my dresser until I can find a cool place for them (library display perhaps?). Check out her blog and books online at http://www.lisawiedmeier.com.

Have a good week!