
Yeah, Let’s Not | A Moratorium on Word Vomit

It was the most beautiful fall day full of wonder and magic. While pondering these things, the writer’s eloquent side began to take over. A desire to fill page after page with words, thoughts, and ideas seized her and she picked up her laptop and then……

Yup… Nothing. Or as my little guy puts it, “Nuh-Un”.

And I know why. It’s not that I’ve lost the ability to feel and think beautiful things, but writing them? Nah. OR reading them? Again, no. It’s that I’ve been in a season where reading, writing, and blogging/vlogging have been put on a burner so far back that everything has grown cold. And nobody likes cold soup. (Don’t be that weirdo who likes cold soup. It’s another level of strangeness we’re not going to address… in this post.)

Back on track…

Having been in said season for so long my writing skills are… lackluster at best, mud at worst. Possibly just floating minerals at this point barely able to dream of one day becoming a gem. Finding the actual time Making time to study and hone these skills has been resolved into a hobby at this point.

Which makes the revamp of this blog so tempting to word vomit on. Yet, while tempting, I endeavor to keep this space in some semblance of organized chaos. With the chaos being precisely orchestrated, of course! 🙂

But the more one reads, the more one writes. The more one writes the more practice writing one gains. (Notice I didn’t say the better one gets at writing.) Without focus and disciplines in the minutia one will fail to better oneself. I cannot get any better without studying what has rusted to begin with.

Expressing coherent thoughts has, these days, become quite the ongoing battle. I’ve also struggled with the ability to structure them out in my mind. Though, I haven’t needed to either. Let’s just say, teaching children how to manage their emotions, meeting their needs, and homeschooling certainly utilizes the brain in other, equally valid, ways. So, yes, while my days have been filled with many studies, I have also dropped my focus in others.

I would also like to, in an odd way, encourage you as well. I’ve been in this season for approximately 7 years. More intensely around year 3. I cannot tell you how lost I have been before. Reading and writing were a restful garden I was given to escape the day to day monotony. Yet, once the days were filled with a long and sanctifying journey, I had to learn about where true gardens needed planting and how to tend them. ( I also ended up with about a million tomatoes and cucumbers.)

So, my dear friends, know that seasons do, in fact, change. It’s okay to shake off the dust and change with them. Today I actually considered wearing socks with Crocs, if that gives you any encouragement to do something completely heinous. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying to abandon ship (although I’ve certainly wanted to before), but maybe it’s okay to do a little dance while the ship faces the tempest.

The seasons will, eventually, change again and who knows, you may find yourself growing and thriving more than one garden.

Have a good one!